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Willy Tea Taylor at The Goods Shed

Solo performance by singer-songwriter, Willy Tea Taylor, hailing from Oakdale, California (The Cowboy Capital of the World) in support of his album; The Great Western Hangover.

There is no question that Willy Tea Taylor’s life as a singer/songwriter was predetermined – his role realized the moment he wrote his first song. His inspirations drawn from two separate wells; Living the life of a cattleman’s kid and experiencing true visionaries music like Greg Brown, John Hartford, and Guy Clark. The image of Guy Clark and friends sitting around the kitchen table loaded with ashtrays full of butts, half-smoked cigarettes, food, and booze on one Christmas Eve in 1975 burned into Taylors’s soul. Those guys, swapping songs without pretence, lit Willy Tea’s fire. And ever since, leading purpose with passion – curating relationships through musical friendships that get him closer to his own Clark style kitchen table.

​Advance Tickets: Adult £12.50 - Under 25 years £10.00. Please note: ​on the door on the night they will cost £16.00 and £13.00 respectively

Praktisk info

Enjoy-kode: 633164
Passer for
Eldre, Voksne, Ungdom