333 Presents: Hunny Buzz

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333 Presents: Hunny Buzz + Support

HUNNY BUZZ enter their somber founded era through their second EP ‘Pulling Roots’. It marks position as the band’s next focal point and is a strong return after, ‘Welcome to Our Garden’. Front woman Lyd Read, captures the weight of living in her twenties; juggling relationships, sour friendships and modern love struggles, while reflecting on her teenage unresolved breakups and explores the unsettled grief of her eighteen year old self. Read’s attitudinal expression through her performance delivers her stories with fresh desirable punch. Fresh from supporting Hannah Wicklund on their UK/EU tour through 2024 the band started their summer with a festival appearance at Isle of Wight Festival before heading back into the studio to record EP 2.


Enjoy code: 193163
Target groups
Elderly, Youth, Adult
External information