Avenues to the Past: Stirling’s Historic Streets


Enjoy code: 531137
Food and drink
Target groups
Youth, Adult, Elderly


As Stirling celebrates 900 years as a Royal Burgh, Stirling City Heritage Trust invites you to discover the stories of Stirling’s historic streets and how Conservation Area designation helps to protect the city’s unique historic environment.

For almost 150 years people have joined forces protect historic buildings, parks and trees. Ranging from tiny community organisations to the National Trusts, these trusts and societies were formed in response to the threat of loss of treasured buildings and landscapes which people saw as important to the fabric of their communities.

This exhibition celebrates the work of grass roots organisations that acted to protect Stirling’s historic townscape and explores the stories of the wide leafy avenues, narrow urban streets, and winding lanes that make up Stirling’s Conservation Areas today.
