
Based on a popular manga comic, Japanese director Naoko Yamada’s (K-On) affecting drama examines the tempestuous relationship between a boy who hears and a girl who doesn’t.

When Shoko, a young Deaf student, transfers to a new elementary school she finds herself being bullied for her hearing impairment. The source of the teasing is her new classmate Shoya, who leads the class in poking fun at Shoko. But before long the class starts to turn on Shoya for his lack of compassion and he gets a taste of his own medicine. After graduating, Shoko and Shoya do not speak to each other until an older, wiser Shoya - tormented by his past behaviour - decides he must see Shoko once more to make amends for what he did. But is it already too late atone for his sins?


Enjoy code: 868045
Target groups
Youth, Elderly, Adult
External information

Available tickets

05/10 2024 7:30pm
MAC (Midlands Arts Centre) Cannon Hill Park BIRMINGHAM
Provided by The List