Beatbox and Pedal Loop Workshop

This activity is completed or marked as expired


Matthew and Francesca present this joint workshop with the loop station to make some songs. Put into groups of 3/4 depending on how many turn up. First we'll do a demonstration performance using the looper together with me Beatboxing and Fran singing/ layering harmonies. Then go straight into learning some basic beatbox sounds (kick, snare, hi-hats, lip oscillation bass). After that I'll teach a few more sounds and do some rhythm exercises in which they'll Beatbox what they've learned to a metronome to stay in time with focus clarity of each sound on when to take a breath. I'll then demonstrate how the loopstation works and go through all the effects on it and demonstrate how to layer harmonies/creatin and chords by just using the voice with focus on staying in key and projecting your voice correctly. We'll split them into groups in which they can record some vocal percussion, a bass line, melody/counter melody, effects and harmony layers.


Enjoy code: 349319
Target groups
Youth, Adult, Elderly
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