BirdGang Ltd: Family

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Get ready to experience a collision of analogue and digital worlds as hip hop movement architects BirdGang Ltd bring together an intergenerational cast from the communities of Croydon.

Boomers, Millennials, Gen Z and everyone in between are invited to join a family gathering at Stanley Arts. This new production will feature BirdGang’s unique blend of movement, spoken word and music, in a light-hearted exploration of connectivity across generations.

An award-winning company with hip hop at its heart, BirdGang Ltd choreograph, teach and produce avant-garde dance for stage, screen and live events. Don’t miss this opportunity to experience their latest dance invention.

Part of This is Croydon, The Mayor of London’s, London Borough of Culture. Produced and presented Dance Umbrella with support from Stanley Arts.


Enjoy code: 282342
Target groups
Youth, Kids, Adult, Elderly
External information