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There are two distinct areas to the garden - the three acre ornamental gardens that surround the house, linked by hedges and repeated shapes with key plants seeping from one area to another to visually connect them, and a five acre organic vegetable garden. The ornamental garden is a mix of formal shapes and loose planting. There are pleached lime hedges, lime lollipop pompoms, cloud pruning, box buttons, box cubes, pyrus mushrooms, beech and holly hedges, and then through and amongst and around are swathes of herbaceous perennials and grasses. In the vegetable garden, there is a large Keder greenhouse and agroecological methods including no-dig systems are used, along with agroforestry planting techniques and a forest garden. The main production area is laid out using permaculture design in the shape of the Celtic Triskele symbol. This represents the ethos of striving to create a balance of wildlife, productivity and beauty. New areas are developed each winter into an ever more cohesive whole. Champion Trees: Yew and sweet chestnut.
This is a fundraising event for the open garden charity Scotland’s Gardens Scheme which raises money for hundreds of local charities.