Drama Summer Club with Make Believe A Story

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Join us for an action packed week at our drama summer club with added sparkle! Our summer club returns as highly recommended by parents and children!

Run by professional actors this promises to get children up on their feet, making friends, learning new skills and having great fun.

An action packed week of drama games, improvisation, bringing stories to life and exploring scripts plus plenty of fun, laughter and friendship building. Including exciting and inspiring workshops in West End, 'STOMP' body and junk percussion and radio, FOLEY and broadcasting, led by professional and ward winning artists. Children will have the opportunity to demonstrate their new skills at a workshop performance to family at the end of the week.

'Make Believe A Story' are a local theatre company who run after school drama clubs, private drama tuition, interactive storytelling, drama parties and more.

This summer 'Make Believe A Story' are returning with their fabulous drama summer club to Rugby for 9-12 year olds who love drama or are keen to give it a go.

This club will be a wonderful and valuable experience and will help to develop friendships as well as skills and confidence.

Places are limited and must be booked in advance.

Email makebelieveastory@gmail.com for an application form.

Find 'Make Believe A Story' on Facebook.


Enjoy code: 611394
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