Available tickets
28/03 2025 9:00pm
Cleveland Ironstone Mine (dating back to 1847), has a dark history consisting of horrendously dangerous working conditions where long hours were worked in the mines. Life was a daily struggle for both old and young that worked here. There is no surprise that the energy from the past has imprinted itself in time and it is reported that some of the mining folk have never left.
In the north drift, several spirits are claimed to be haunting this location with regular reports of knocking, whistling, footsteps and the striking of rock. The sounds of horses hooves can be heard within the mine. The apparition of a man is said to walk the length of the tunnel throughout the darker hours, some have seen him whilst others have hear his footsteps.
Within the museum itself, the voice of children are heard, in particular, the sound of a young child crying and words such as hello and goodbye have been heard too. Sudden temperature drops have been experienced and a little boy has made himself known on the coal cart. Finally the apparition in shadow form is seen around the museum where he appears to be searching for something.
Cleveland Ironstone Museum really is an interesting place that becomes more oppressive through the darker hours. Who will be brave enough to join us?