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Half Term Drama Workshop.
10.30am - 3.30pm
The three-day workshop will include, amongst other creative activities, drama games, character building, scene improvisation and a song and dance routine. Although three days will not be enough time to put on a full show, as we do at the end of the weekly workshops, family and friends will be invited in, free of charge, on the Thursday afternoon to watch a short performance of some of the work the children have created.The workshops are aimed at children aged 5-9 and 10-13.
The cost is 100.00 for each child for the three days.
Children will need to bring their own picnic lunch on the days, although water & orange juice will be provided free of charge in the morning and afternoon breaks. We also offer a tuck shop selling sweet and snacks so we suggest up to 50p (prices range from 10p - 30p per item) a day if children want to make use of that.
When signing up please be sure to answer all the questions so we have all the information we need.
Please note the 50 deposit is non-refundable in the event you decide not to attend. The remaining 50 must be paid on the first day with cash or in advance before the first day by BACS. Details of bank are on the e-ticket you will receive on booking.