Holding Back The Years - The Simply Red Experience


With over 50 million albums sold worldwide, chart topping hits including "Holding Back The Years", "Stars", "Fairground" and many others, Simply Red are undoubtedly one of the most iconic British bands of all time.

With meticulous attention to detail,

Holding Back The Years

deliver the world's most authentic tribute to Simply Red.

From intimate venues to the biggest stages, they pride themselves on recreating the stunning and mesmerising atmosphere of a live Simply Red concert.

This amazing lead vocalist, backed by a band of world class musicians, fully capture the essence and era defining sounds of Mick Hucknall and Simply Red.

So join them on an incredible musical journey as they pay tribute to one of the greatest British bands of all time.

If you are a fan of Simply Red or just a fan of good music, top class musicianship and classic hits, you can expect a truly memorable evening!


Enjoy code: 153856
Target groups
Youth, Adult, Elderly
External information

Available tickets

04/04 2025 7:30pm
CryerArts Centre 39 High Street CARSHALTON
Provided by The List

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