Hot Wired


A one off event running in conjunction with Plan B and freebooter lounge records we present a night of the finest quality underground music with UK legend and founder / head honcho of the iconic record label Junior Boys Own, Mr Terry Farley. Terrys been at the forefront of dance music since the mid 80s remixing and producing countless classics along with the late great Andrew Weatherall and Pete Heller. More recent productions on Rekids and Defected including 2 new Primal Scream tracks produced by Belfasts finest David Holmes. Still going strong with the faith crew in London and guaranteed to be bringing a bass line youd be proud to take home to your parents. Firing up the engines are local Belfast House connoisseurs and Plan B supporters Declan Burgoyne and Keith Connolly. All and any profit donated to MAP..


Enjoy code: 977662
Target groups
Youth, Adult, Elderly
External information

Available tickets

05/04 2025 9:00pm
Deers Head Lower Garfield Street BELFAST
Provided by The List