Joe Aitken Tribute Concert


Kirrie Festival is holding a tribute concert to The Great Joe Aitken on Saturday 26thApril.

Reckon it'll be a super nicht, wi performers confirmed so far including: Allan Taylor, Anne Mitchell, Bill Gray, Carole & Alan Prior, Choras, Christine Kydd, Doug Hay, Geordie Murison, George Aitken and Family, George Rennie, Gordon Pattullo, John Dickson, Joyce Cocker, Kate Taylor, Lindsay & Yvonne & Sarah Downie, Margaret Bennett, Murray Douglas, Natalie Chalmers, Paddy Buchanan, Paul Anderson, Pete Shepheard, Phyllis Martin, Scott Gardiner, Sheena Wellington, Shona Donaldson, Steve Byrne, and Tam & Agnes Wightman.

As you might suspect, it's in the Toon Hall in Kirriemuir. We'd like abody to get the chance tae have the crack aforehand, so doors (and bar, run by oor pals in The Angus Glens Rotary) will be open fae 1730, wi concert yokin time at 1900 sharp. And there'll be a bit of time after the concert finishes for conviviality.

All proceeds (after hall costs) go to local charities of The Aitken Family's choice.


Enjoy code: 700359
Target groups
Elderly, Adult, Youth
External information

Available tickets

26/04 2025 7:00pm
Kirriemuir Town Hall 28--30 Reform Street KIRRIEMUIR
Provided by The List