Ernst Lubitsch’s Kohlhiesels Töchter is a spirited silent comedy that combines wit, charm, and farcical romance. Set in a picturesque Bavarian village, the story follows innkeeper Mathias Kohlhiesel and his mission to marry off his two daughters: the fiery and unruly Liesl and the gentle, refined Gretl. The plot thickens when two suitors, the daring Xaver and the timid Seppl, vie for Gretl’s hand, only to face Kohlhiesel’s stern condition: Liesl must wed first. What ensues is a delightful battle of wills, misunderstandings, and surprising transformations, as Xaver’s unconventional methods to “reform” Liesl lead to unexpected results. Lubitsch’s direction showcases his budding mastery of satire and character-driven storytelling, laying the groundwork for his later international acclaim.
Available tickets
02/02 2025 2:30pm