Lunchtime Talk: Man-made Structures and their Value as Artificial Reefs


Enjoy code: 701026
Target groups
Elderly, Youth, Adult


Talk by Dr Kate Gormley, Interdisciplinary Fellow, Megan Squire, PhD Student, Dr Alethea Madgett, Research FellowNational Decommissioning Centre, University of Aberdeen

This talk highlights research from the University of Aberdeen and the National Decommissioning Centre (NDC) on how man-made ocean structures such as decommissioned oil and gas installations and those generating offshore renewable energy can support marine ecosystems and their potential as artificial reefs.

Combining industry expertise with academic excellence, the NDC is working in partnership with the energy sector to lead research and development (R&D) that supports the sector to achieve cost and emissions reductions, improve environmental outcomes and transform approaches to deliver sustainable net zero decommissioning.

The National Decommissioning Centre is a partnership between the University of Aberdeen, the Net Zero Technology Centre (NZTC) and industry, part of the Aberdeen City Region Deal.
