Join Milestone Entertainment and the talented cast from Stirling Murder, accompanied by a delicious three course dinner served at Aston Hall Hotel...
The Plot - "Calm Yourself Down Karen!" Tonight, is the yearly get together of “Flab Be Gone”. FBG is a nationwide company founded by Kevin Dingus’ Grandfather Ringo Dingus 50 years ago. It is a very popular Irish Weight loss Company which has recently expanded to the UK. FBG’s weight loss method works around the alphabet – The first week you can eat anything you like that begins with the letter ‘A’, 2nd week ‘B’ etc. Each meal must fit inside a standard sized drinking mug. Karen Sharp is here tonight as she is the Head Coach of Flab Be Gone. Also here are her son Darren and her daughter-in-law Kazza who is also a member of the club. Kevin Dingus, the CEO of FBG, is here tonight – hoping to raise interest in his new line of ‘Flabsnacks’.
Available tickets
28/02 2025 7:00pm