Pure McCartney


The Cavern Club's resident Paul from the Cavern Club Beatles, is world-renowned for his incredible tribute to Paul McCartney; nobody sounds as close.

Having appeared in Let It Be on Broadway (NYC) and in the West End, London), he was hand-picked by Beatles engineer and producer Geoff Emerick to appear in The Sessions and has been a resident at the Cavern Club for 15 years.

Pure McCartney is a tribute to Sir Paul McCartney, fronted by The Caverns own Tony Coburn. This band of familiar faces perform a wide and varied collection of songs from McCartneys back catalogue everything from Beatles, Wings and McCartneys solo records.


Enjoy code: 154911
Target groups
Youth, Elderly, Adult
External information

Available tickets

03/08 2025 7:00pm
The Cavern Club 10 Mathew Street LIVERPOOL
Provided by The List