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Get Lost and Found and The Roald Dahl Story Company presents
Roald Dahl and the Imagination
Age Guidance: 5+ Running Time: 65 minutes, no interval 12/10
All around the world Roald Dahls words are disappearing, not only from books but childrens minds too! Now only a secret organisation known as the Ancient Guild of TaleTenders can save the stories - and they need your help...
Join Terry Tibblestick and his assistant Brenda Bogg as they reveal their discovery of the missing words, sparking danger that they are being eaten by the dreaded Wurblegobblers.
Especially made for ages 5 and up, the show develops both creative and literacy skills through performance, games, and creative play, while exploring Roald Dahls extraordinary stories, including The BFG and The Twits along the way.
A wondrous and engaging way to spend a Sunday afternoon theatre and education all wrapped into one charming, magical package. - Audience Feedback
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