SoundBox presents: Jackson Williams


Jackson Williams crafts heartfelt music inspired by the timeless traditions of folk, country, and Americana. Their songs resonate with genuine storytelling, rich acoustic tones, and a deep connection to life's shared experiences. In 2025, the band is set to record their next album, refining their distinctive sound with a focus on honesty and simplicity. The recent addition of Andrew Kemp on guitar adds fresh dimensions to their music, complementing their signature understated style.

Opening the concert will be Graham Bellinger - who sings and plays acoustic & roots-based music on guitars of every variety, mandolin, mandocello, harmonica, melodeon and banjo. Not all at once ... of course. In a performance characterised by warmth, humour and commitment to the music, Graham's repertoire ranges from American blues, ragtime and country music, to British traditional songs and those penned by modern songwriters, including his own material. What a great way to start the show folks!


Enjoy code: 234391
Target groups
Elderly, Youth, Adult
External information

Available tickets

05/04 2025 7:15pm
St Mary's Creative Space St Mary's Hill CHESTER
Provided by The List