Surround Sounds No.1 - The Italian Job

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Our popular Surround Sounds concerts return to the iconic Chapter House with a series of morning performances. We begin with a programme of Italian madrigals from our Vocal Apprentices, all graduates of the Genesis Sixteen training scheme.

This arresting, beautiful music is ideal for this intimate, inspiring space. Tickets are limited for this exclusive series so make sure to book early to secure your place.


Il bianco e dolce cigno Dormendo un giorno Jacques Arcadelt

Ne l’aria in questi dì O sonno Cipriano de Rore

La ver l’aurore Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina

Chi salirà per me Giaches de Wert

Ancor che col partire Mia benigna fortuna Cipriano de Rore

Fuggirò tant’, amore Dolce son le quadrella Luca Marenzio

Ciara Williams soprano Lydia Ward alto Michael Burgess tenor Ben Rice bass

Please note, the wheelchair space in this venue is A1(Inner). A free companion seat is provided in the seat next to it.


Enjoy code: 145846
Target groups
Youth, Adult, Elderly
External information