The Folk Bus Presents: Strange Tales For Halloween


Gather in for a night of strange tales and traditional folklore from around the world this Halloween with storyteller Oliver Lavery and Folk Musician Tamsin Quin.

The nights grow longer, and the shadows draw in around us. October 31st is Halloween. This marks the hinge the gateway of the year. Midway between the Autumn Equinox and the Winter Solstice. To the pagans of northern Europe, this was the end of harvest and the official start of winter. Called Samhain by the Celts and The Day of the Dead by the Mexica, this is the time when the veil between this world and the other world is at its thinnest.

From sun-down on October 31st to sun rise the next day, ghosts, spirits and otherworldly beings can cross over, and wander freely among us.

This is traditionally a time for coming together to remember those that have passed over, for drinking, and, of course, for hearing and telling stories.

So come hunker down under a tent of story, while the spirits of the dead wander the streets outside. Expect ghosts and fairies, shape shifting fox-spirits, child snatching river-demons and the bloodthirsty gods of the Mexican underworld.

The Folk Bus was set up by Storyteller Oliver Lavery and Folk Musician Tamsin Quin from the back of their huge green travelling bus, with the idea to bring traditional oral storytelling delights to audiences around the world.


Enjoy code: 277888
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Available tickets

31/10 2024 7:30pm
Burdall's Yard 7A Anglo Terrace BATH
Provided by The List