The Institutes

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The Institutes return to the stage following a summer of festivals. This opportunity to catch the band will see the second album tracks showcased, with the bands signature wall of sound, fierce guitar lines and melodic vocals. Recording is underway at Vada studios with April earmarked for album release with a single rumoured to be imminent. Lead singer songwriter Andy Hall comments 'we cant wait to play the new phase of the bands writing, we've found a darker side to our sound which feels more intimidating and surrounding, its how the band is supposed to sound .' The heavy shoegaze band have asked closed friends and fellow heavy shoegazers Siracuse and The Northern Threads. Siracuse are must see band. Ben Zakotti writes incredible songs and layered soundscapes, they are ferocious live and ones to watch. The Northern Threads bring (from the north) their youthful, ambitious uplifting ambient rock n roll lead by Jake McNicholas, the band are taking the scene by storm and rightly so. Overall, this night shapes up to be a showcase of the best UK music around.


Enjoy code: 230495
Target groups
Elderly, Adult, Youth
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