The Laurel Awards - Third Heat

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The Laurel Awards ! A new competition for comedians to showcase their best 5 minutes. The competition will run over 3 heats and will culminate with a grand final at the Britannia Panopticon in Glasgow, on the stage where a young Stan Laurel made his debut.

Please note that all comedians must be at least 16 years of age before the date of the first heat on the 15th of June 2024.

All competitors must be available for all of the following dates:

■ First heat - 15th of June 2024

■ Second heat 29th of June 2024

■ Third heat 6th of July 2024

■ Fourth Heat 13th of July 2024

■ Final Heat 19th of July 2024

All four heats and the final will be held at Britannia Panopticon in Glasgow.

The judges at the Final will be Tony Roper, writer of the Steamie, comedy veteran Graham Mackie, and Gavin Mitchell!


Enjoy code: 160990
Target groups
Youth, Adult, Elderly
External information