This is Floyd - A Tribute to Pink Floyd


With 5 Star reviews, thousands of fans across the UK and a new theatre show, This Is Floyd (formerly The Darkside Of Pink Floyd) celebrates the double anniversary of PULSE and Wish You Were Here albums on their 2025 tour.

The band will continue a well-established tradition of attracting large audiences, old and young, highlighting the definitive versions of the iconic bands classic and best loved songs. Join them on a captivating journey through the timeless classics that defined an era. From the ethereal echoes of Shine On You Crazy Diamond to the haunting beauty of Wish You Were Here, the performances are meticulously crafted to honour Pink Floyds legacy. Including custom designed thematic light shows, spectacular laser effects and the iconic circular video screen.

Sit back and enjoy a moving experience which will be truly unforgettable as they pay homage to one of the greatest bands in history.

See Video Here [ brixhamtheatre uk/EZ-tQSkQffRKvX5v 89GzyUB4J-w efkNYlaq1RTx-xTnA?e=4WYoa1]


Enjoy code: 369187
Target groups
Adult, Elderly, Youth
External information

Available tickets

04/04 2025 kl 19:30
Brixham Theatre New Road BRIXHAM
Provided by The List