Tour of Lauriston Castle


Enjoy code: 448475
Food and drink
Target groups
Youth, Adult, Elderly
External information

Available tickets

06/10 2024 3:00pm
Lauriston Castle 2a Cramond Road South EDINBURGH
Provided by The List


Join our knowledgeable guide for a FREE tour of Lauriston Castle. Find out about Willian and Margaret Reid, the last owners of Lauriston, and see for yourself the wonderful gift they left the nation. Silver Sunday is the national day for older people, which is co-ordinated by Age UK. Age UK’s Silver Sunday is a national day where people of all generations can come together by hosting fun and free activities for older people. It is a day where older people can meet new people, visit new places, try new activities and connect with their local communities and the generations around them. Please note these events are for seniors only and can be booked by ringing the Castle direct on 0131 336 2060
