Van Morrison Alumni Band


The Van Morrison Alumni Band, a repertoire company unlike any other, features the musicians who played thousands of concerts and recorded hundreds of songs with Van Morrison, over a period of transition when Van Morrison was making some of his most successful and loved albums including 1995’s million selling “Days Like This” and 1997’s “The Healing Game”.

The evening will be curated and hosted by saxophonist and broadcaster Leo Green, who played on seven albums by Van Morrison and appeared on stages with him all over the world.

Choosing from over 44 studio albums the concert will feature the works from throughout Van Morrison’s career, some of which are very rarely heard live in concert.


Enjoy code: 843768
Target groups
Adult, Youth, Elderly
External information

Available tickets

30/09 2025 7:30pm
Adelphi Theatre 409--412 Strand LONDON
Provided by The List