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This talk will cover a snapshot of the Scottish Railway System prior to hostilities when the Scottish Central Belt was a hive of heavy industry underpinned by a steady flow of raw materials moved by rail. On the outbreak of war, the railways recovered reservists from annual camp and deployed the BEF to France. As the war progressed 1/7th of railwaymen enlisted had to be replaced by women. In addition to keeping trade and industry moving the railways provided locomotives, rolling stock and ambulance trains to the front while railway workshops turned out armaments and munitions. Suppling the Grand Fleet with Welsh steam coal was a notable operating challenge. The Quintinshill collision – Britain’s worst railway disaster (involving 7th Battalion Royal Scots) will be outlined. The study will conclude with the impact of the War on the future organization of the railways.
About the Speakers Gavin Douglas, a clergyman and former Argyll with a life-long passion for railways will provide a fascinating insight into this subject. He lives in South Wales.